Aged Care Reforms Webinars

On this page we have a selection of up-to-date and helpful Aged Care Reforms webinar recordings released by Department of Health and Aged Care and peak bodies.

Go to the Department of Health and Aged Care website for the full list of their webinars.

Visit our Training Calendar for SSD Connect training focussed on aged care reforms & business transformation for CHSP-funded service providers.


In-Home Aged Care Update

3 September 2024
Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA)

00:11 | New Aged Care Act
01:48 | Reform
02:39 | Support at Home – registration categories

Click here for the Support at Home registration categories mentioned in the video

In-Home Aged Care Update

6 August 2024
Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA)


00:00 | Overview
00:17 | Fair Work
02:09 | Reports – Funding & Service Access
04:45 | Reports – Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission Complaints
05:47 | Reports – Home Care Package Data
06:49 | Reform
08:44| Support at Home Update
10:20 | Advocacy

In-Home Aged Care Update

2 July 2024
Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA)


00:00 | Work Value Case Decision
01:20 | ACCPAs Advocacy
03:27 | Support at Home & Preparation for CHSP Providers


00:00 | Overview
00:26 | New Aged Care Act
03:06 | ACCPA federal budget advocacy wins
03:53 | Home Care Package Allocation
05:34 | Wages
06:26 | Home & community care reform

In-Home Aged Care Update

6 June 2024
Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA)


0:00 Welcome & intro – Amy Laffan

2:34 Consultation on the new Aged Care Act exposure draft

3:23 Q&A panel discussion

59:42 End

Draft new Aged Care Act consultation – Q&A panel discussion

January 18 2024


• Amy Laffan, First Assistant Secretary, Quality & Assurance Division

• Mel Metz, Assistant Secretary, Legislative Reform Branch

• Caroline Turnour, Assistant Secretary, Harmonisation & Regulatory Strategy Branch

• Janet Anderson, Aged Care Quality & Safety Commissioner.

New Aged Care Act & Support at Home update

14 December 2023

0:00 Welcome and introduction
3:20 New Aged Care Act – Mel Metz
27:53 New Aged Care Act next step
29:40 Provider registration categories – Simon Christopher
35:28 Transition and deeming arrangements
37:47 The strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards – Ingrid Leonard
43:04 Support at Home staging and implementation – Nick Morgan
47:54 Why are we staging the implementation
49:23 What will in home aged care look like in July 2025
55:28 What will in home aged care look like post July 2027
56:25 Assessment classification and funding arrangements
1:06 Support at home next steps
1:08 Q&A

00:00 | Transition to Support at Home
01:49 | Singe assessment
02:45 | Home Care Packages data report
05:12 | Grant – historical leave liability
06:48 | Grant – registered nurses
08:10 | Webinars
09:55 | Other

In-Home Aged Care Update

5 December 2023
Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA)

In-Home Aged Care Update

7 November 2023
Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA)


00:00 | CHSP Webinar

00:46 | CHSP Base Funding Grant

02:38 | Work Value Case Submission

03:52 | Support at Home – Care Management

04:29 | Policy & Advocacy

05:22 | Getting Home Care Reform Right

05:51 | Support at Home Program Design

09:49 | Pricing & Funding

10:39 | Legislation & Regulation

11:28 | Quality Measurement

11:58 | Workforce & Innovation

12:31 | Care Integration

13:24 | System Stewardship

Reforming In-home Aged Care Update

18 May 2023
Department of Health and Aged Care

This webinar recording provides an update on:

  • Reforms to in-home aged care

  • Commonwealth Home Support Programme

  • Home Care Packages Program

  • New regulatory model

  • New Aged Care Act.

Foundations of the new Aged Care Act

10 August 2023
Department of Health and Aged Care

This webinar recording is about the proposed foundations of the new Aged Care Act.


  • Structure, purpose and constitutional basis 

  • Statement of Rights  

  • Statement of Principles 

  • Definition of high-quality care 

  • New duty of care and compensation pathways 

  • Whistle-blower protections 

  • Supported decision-making arrangements

  • Eligibility for government-funded aged care services.


Key Resources for CHSP Providers